Letter to CBD Government Signatories 

Letter to CBD Government Signatories 

Letters to governments, public banks, and/or commercial banks calling on these actors to stop and reverse biodiversity loss! We are excited to share that FOE sent each of the letters today to the respective recipients. Please find the final letters linked below.

Please find the letters below:

  • Governments/ccing CBD Secretariat letter here.
  • Commercial bank letter here.
  • Public bank letter here.

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Around 1 MILLION wild animal and plant species now face extinction, many within decades.

That’s why we urgently sent a letter with 73 civil society orgs calling on Signatory Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity to take action to stop biodiversity loss!


We have a message for the state parties at Biodiversity COP15:

You CANNOT protect biodiversity without protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples! 📣


We joined 73 civil society orgs to call on governments to take strong action in protecting #biodiversity!

Read the full letter here: tinyurl.com/3mztpbmb 


Biodiversity loss and species extinction is IRREVERSIBLE!

That’s why it’s so important for governments to stop enabling and legitimizing industries that are contributing most to biodiversity loss!


Did you know that biodiversity decreases at a slower rate on Indigenous lands?

That’s why it’s so important to defend Indigenous rights in our fight to protect biodiversity! ✊


80% of global #biodiversity lies in the hands of Indigenous Peoples! 

That’s why we cannot protect biodiversity without protecting the rights of Indigenous communities! 📣



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