Азийн Хөгжлийн Банкны хувь нийлүүлэгчдийн 57 дахь удаагийн хурлын талаарх ТББ-ын Форумын байр суурь

Азийн Хөгжлийн Банкны хувь нийлүүлэгчдийн 57 дахь удаагийн хурлын талаарх ТББ-ын Форумын байр суурь

АХБ-ны 57 дахь удаагийн хувь нийлүүлэгчдийн хурал энэ 2024 оны 5 сарын 2-5-ны өдрүүдэд Гүрж улсын нийслэл Тбилиси хотноо зохион байгуулагдана. Уг хуралтай холбогдуулан АХБ-ны асуудлаарх ТББ-ын Форумын гишүүд байр сууриа танилцуулж байгааг та бүхэн хүлээн авна уу.

Явцын мэдээллийг авахыг хүсвэл манай твиттер болон фейсбүүк хуудсыг дагаарай.

Хамгааллын асуудлаарх байр суурь:

The Forum network demands stronger safeguard standards that genuinely prioritize people and the planet. 

Join us in challenging ADB’s practices at the 57th Annual Meeting to ensure a sustainable future for all. #ADBAnnualMeeting #ChallengeADB #SafeguardingPeopleAndPlanet

The 57th ADB Annual Meeting is underway, and the Forum network is raising concerns about the Bank’s proposed safeguards policy. Unfortunately, the draft falls short, lacking adequate due diligence and protection for vulnerable groups.

The ADB must prioritize the needs of those most at risk. 🛡️💔 #ADBAnnualMeeting #ADBAnnualMeeting #SafeguardPolicy #ProtectVulnerableGroups

In its 57th year of operation, the Forum network is urging the ADB to prioritize the voices and well-being of communities and defenders in its agenda.

🌏 ADB’s dedication to community safety and defender protection is non-negotiable!

🚫 ADB’s disregard for Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) undermines communities’ rights to self-determination. 

It’s time to hold ADB accountable for prioritizing profit over people and respecting the voices of those affected by its projects. 💼💔🗣️#ADBAnnualMeeting #PrioritizePeopleOverProfit

🏛️ Cultural heritage is more than just buildings—it’s the soul of our communities. 

ADB’s new safeguard policy must ensure the protection of both tangible and intangible cultural treasures from harm caused by its projects. #ADBAnnualMeeting #CulturalHeritage

Эрчим хүчний асуудлаарх байр суурь:

We stand with community, labor, and climate rights defenders rejecting ADB’s Energy Transition Mechanism model proposed in #Indonesia, #Philippines and beyond. 🌍✊ #NoToADBETM

Evidence of destruction wreaked by hydropower projects ADB has financed — on communities and ecosystems – and negative impacts on climate resilience is clear – incl. in #Georgia, #Laos, #India and #Nepal.

#StopHydropowerImpacts #ADBAnnualMeeting

The legacy of ADB’s support for mining ventures has left a trail of destruction on people’s health, lives, and environmental well-being, including at the site of a toxic tailings dam burst in the #Philippines. ☠️😢

Mining should be placed on ADB’s prohibited investment activities list!

ADB’s support for fossil gas continues to flow – directly to gas power projects and also through more opaque channels of intermediaries, trade financing, and technical assistance. 💨⛽ #FossilFuelFree #StopFossilGas #ClimateAction


As we engage in the halls of the ADB’s 2024 Annual Meeting, we continue to assert that ‘just transitions’ will never be possible by tinkering at the edges of current business-as-usual models. ✊🌍

We seek inclusive, democratic processes that put collective rights, an economy of care, and the planetary commons at the center, holding all actors – including. ADB – accountable for redress, remedy, and reparations wherever culpable for inflicting harms, losses, and damages. #JustTransitions #Accountability #ClimateJustice #ADBAnnualMeeting

NGO forum on ADB



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