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Archives 2023

Stand with Bach

24 January 2023 marks one year since Bach was handed a heavy 5 year prison term on spurious charges of ‘tax evasion.’ Bach is one of several civil society leaders in Vietnam who has been arrested in the last couple of years after working to transition the country off coal and protect communities from pollution and other public health hazards.

To raise Bach’s public profile and escalate the international call for his release, International Rivers have launched this website and social media campaign [www.standwithbach.org]. The website contains information about Bach and other environmental defenders recently jailed in Vietnam, calls on governments, UN agencies and others to demand his release, and provides simple ways for the public to take action in support of the #StandwithBach campaign. 

For further information, there is also a campaign video produced by Global Witness and an op ed by Bach’s wife. 

We are asking supporters of the ‘Stand with Bach’ campaign to:

– Share campaign messages through your social media networks from now through the one-year anniversary of Bach’s sentencing on January 24. Please see our sample social media posts and downloadable video and images HERE.

– Encourage your networks and partners to also share the website and social media posts.