Category Business and human rights

Stand with Bach

24 January 2023 marks one year since Bach was handed a heavy 5 year prison term on spurious charges of ‘tax evasion.’ Bach is one of several civil society leaders in Vietnam who has been arrested in the last couple of years after working to transition the country off coal and protect communities from pollution and other public health hazards.

To raise Bach’s public profile and escalate the international call for his release, International Rivers have launched this website and social media campaign []. The website contains information about Bach and other environmental defenders recently jailed in Vietnam, calls on governments, UN agencies and others to demand his release, and provides simple ways for the public to take action in support of the #StandwithBach campaign. 

For further information, there is also a campaign video produced by Global Witness and an op ed by Bach’s wife. 

We are asking supporters of the ‘Stand with Bach’ campaign to:

– Share campaign messages through your social media networks from now through the one-year anniversary of Bach’s sentencing on January 24. Please see our sample social media posts and downloadable video and images HERE.

– Encourage your networks and partners to also share the website and social media posts.

Letter to CBD Government Signatories 

Letters to governments, public banks, and/or commercial banks calling on these actors to stop and reverse biodiversity loss! We are excited to share that FOE sent each of the letters today to the respective recipients. Please find the final letters linked below.

Please find the letters below:

  • Governments/ccing CBD Secretariat letter here.
  • Commercial bank letter here.
  • Public bank letter here.

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Tags: @UNBiodiversity, @CBD_COP15Hashtags: #COP15, #Biodiversity

& share this post with the following information:

Around 1 MILLION wild animal and plant species now face extinction, many within decades.

That’s why we urgently sent a letter with 73 civil society orgs calling on Signatory Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity to take action to stop biodiversity loss!


We have a message for the state parties at Biodiversity COP15:

You CANNOT protect biodiversity without protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples! 📣


We joined 73 civil society orgs to call on governments to take strong action in protecting #biodiversity!

Read the full letter here: 


Biodiversity loss and species extinction is IRREVERSIBLE!

That’s why it’s so important for governments to stop enabling and legitimizing industries that are contributing most to biodiversity loss!


Did you know that biodiversity decreases at a slower rate on Indigenous lands?

That’s why it’s so important to defend Indigenous rights in our fight to protect biodiversity! ✊


80% of global #biodiversity lies in the hands of Indigenous Peoples! 

That’s why we cannot protect biodiversity without protecting the rights of Indigenous communities! 📣

New report highlighting principles and actions that IFIs need to observe in order to align their financial intermediary investments with the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change

Today, Recourse and partner organisations BankTrack, Heinrich Boell Foundation Washington DC, OilChange International, and TrendAsia publish a new report highlighting principles and actions that International Financial Institutions (IFIs) need to observe in order to align their financial intermediary investments with the goals of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, and to go further – to tackle the climate crisis. 

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The report comes at a time when pressure is mounting on IFIs to ensure their operations are consistent with Paris goals as the deadline for alignment nears. Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) committed to fully align their operations with Paris with a deadline of July 2023 for direct finance and a later deadline of 2025 for indirect investments. The IFC has promised to consult publicly on its Paris alignment methodology.

“Financial intermediary lending remains a potentially big loophole where fossil fuel financing continues to flow,” said Mark Moreno Pascual from Recourse. “There needs to be greater transparency in financial intermediary lending in order for civil society and project-affected communities to hold IFIs accountable for investments detrimental to people and planet.” 

Andri Prasetiyo from TrendAsia based in Indonesia said: “The fact that the IFC’s first green equity client financed the Java 9 and 10 coal complexes in Indonesia without IFC even knowing is reason enough for IFIs to seriously think about and review their lending practices. We demand accountability from the World Bank for the harms they have caused, and corrective measures must be put in place to ensure this does not happen again and justice is served for local communities who bore the brunt of the consequences.”